Two best friend headshave

Hi my name is Nadira and I live in Mumbai, India. I am completing my degree in biotechnology. I am a bubbly girl and have lots of fun reading motivational books, watching TV shows and fighting for justice.    My best friend is Nancy. She is a very sweet girl, good looking and very interesting. We both study in the same university and always hangout together. 

She has beautiful long hair almost below her shoulders and she always tries different hairstyles everyday. I have very long hair almost lower back length. I like to try different hairstyles too but since I am a Muslim I must wear burka when I step out of the house. So the only option I have is to tie my long hair into a bun and clip it. I then have to wear a hijab over my hair to cover it.

One day Nancy got her hair straighted and also did some highlights to it. It looked very beautiful as it was straight, shiny and coloured. I could not recognise her as she walked towards me in university. She looked really good and pretty. I asked her why she got her hair coloured and she said she wanted to try something new. That time I felt that I should get my hair coloured too. So a week later Nancy and I went to the parlour and she selected a similar colour for me and I got my hair straighted and coloured. We both looked so beautiful and pretty. We were very happy about it.

The next day when we went to the university Nancy walked into the class with her gorgeous straight hair flying behind her as she swiftly walked in. All the boys were gazing at her new hair. On the other hand I was as usual in my burkha. I was really sad because I could not walk around with my hair open and be free.

I went home that day and asked mom if I can go outside without wearing a burkha. She got really angry with me and started scolding me. She yelled at me that I am getting spoiled being in Nancy's company. She said if I want to be like other girls then I would have to leave the house and stay alone. I felt very sad that even though I have such beautiful long hair I cannot go outside and flaunt it freely. The next day when Dad came home after work I sat next to him. I spoke to him about a few things and softly started talking about how all the other girls come to university. I was almost in tears as I asked him if I could go outside without the burka. I told him that all others girls are free to do what they like but I am forced to wear this black dress. I also told him that I want to be free and not hide my beauty under a piece of cloth forever. He got furious too and started to scold me. He asked me if I have fallen in love with someone or is someone influencing me to do all this. But i I told him that no one is forcing me to do anything and I just want to be free like everyone else. He started laughing and said you cannot show your hair to anyone else other than your husband. If you can do that then you are free to go out without the burka. He knew it is impossible so he was smiling and asked me to go and study.

When he said that I should not show my hair to anyone else except my husband an thought came to my mind. So the next day I went to Nancy's house after finishing classes. Nancy and I were sitting in her room and just chatting about things. I told her about the incident that happened yesterday and also started to cry. She was consoling me saying you know you have to listen to your parents and I don't any choice.

I told her that according to the rules I should not show my hair to anyone except my husband. In that case, if I don't have any hair then I can go outside freely without the burka. Nancy was shocked when I said this. She couldn't understand what I was talking about and said its impossible. Thats when I told her that I want to shave my head! I want to break free from these rules and go bald. Then no one can stop me from going out freely. Nancy did not know what to say and started to convince me that I cannot shave my head. But I had decided that if this hair is causing all the problems then I dont need it. I asked her if she could help me shave my head but she started saying dont do it. So I told her I would go to a barber shop if she didn't help me shave.

She understood that I was fixed to my decision and would not change my mind. So she went inside and got her brothers shaver. She also got shaving cream and shaving razor. We went to her bathroom and I removed my hijab. I unclipped my hair and let it free. She touched my hair and said its so beautiful why do I even want to shave it off. I smiled at her and said I want to be free and go outside freely. This is the price I am paying for my freedom. She gave me a hug and then asked me to sit on the chair.

She started to brush my hair and prepare it for the shave. She said if we donate this hair for cancer patients it will be helpful. I quickly said yes as it made me happy that I would be shaving my head for two causes.

She combed my hair a bit and parted it in the middle. She tied the hair into two pony tails using a rubber band. I looked like a little girl with the two pony tails hanging on the sides. She took the shaver in her right hand and placed it right in front of my forehead. She asked me if I was ready and I said "Yes" and closed my eyes.

She switched on the shaver and moved it front the front to the back as it sheared through my thick hair. She continued all the way to the back. A bald patch appeared in the center of my head as we both started laughing. She started shaving the left side of my head. As the shaver moved on my scalp more and more hair was detached from my head and white scalp got exposed. She moved the shaver from the front to the back over and over until all the hair was shaved on the left side. Now I was completely bald on my left side and the long pony tail tied in a rubber band fell on the ground. 

She turned my head slightly and continued to shave my right side. She ran the shaver over and over to completely shavd my left side. I was now completely bald!  She picked up my two ponytails and gave them in my hand. I was in tears as I saw myself shaved completely. She hugged me tightly from the back and we cried for a while.

She then took some shaving cream and applied it on my bald head. It felt cold and soothing after the shave from the machine.  She spread the cream uniformly all over my head and took the razor. She started to shave from the back to do a reverse shave. She placed the razor at the back and slide it right in the middle. I could see my skin in the middle of the white lather.

She ran the razor all over my head to complete a smooth headshave. I felt my head with my hands and it was super smooth. I got up and hugged Nancy for giving me such a beautiful head shave. I kissed her on her lips and said she was my best friend and i would do anything for her.

She did not hesitate to kiss me back and we continued to kiss for sometime. She ran her hands over my bald head and said I look very beautiful even without the hair.

As I was about to leave her house she said that she also wants to shave her head. I couldn't believe what she was saying. I asked why are you going to shave your head? She said she wants me support me and doesn't want to be bald alone.  I felt so happy that I have such a genuine friend. I told her that I would be very glad to shave her head.

She sat down on the chair and I was ready to shave her. I asked her if she wanted yo donate her hair too and she said she wants to do it. So I combed her beautiful hair nicely for the last time. I parted her hair into two sections and tied it with a rubber band. She was looking cute with the two ponytails.I placed the shaved on her forehead and switched it on. I asked her to close her eyes and slowly started to move it from the front all the way to the back. She was bald in the center with the Ponytail hanging on thr sides. I shaved her right side completely my moving the shaver repeatedly. She was fully bald on one side. I continued to shave her left side and another ponytail fell on thr ground. I gave her a hug and now we both looked in the mirror. 

Both of us were bald and we looked beautiful. I took some shaving cream and applied it on her head. I picked the new razor and shaved her completely. She felt her beautiful bald head and was in tears. I gave her pony tails that had fallen and we packed our hair to donate it. She quickly got up and kissed me on my lips. She is my best friend and I held her and kissed her too. We kissed for a long time and were crying too. We touched both our bald heads together.

I went home in the burka and then after reaching home I went to my room. I then came outside and showed my bald head fo my parents. They could not believe what I had just done. They were furious and did not talk to me. The next day I went to university freely as I didn't have any hair to hide.  Nancy and I were both bald. All our classmates were shocked to see us bald. We donated our hair to a local cancer charity the next day. 

I did not care what people thought about my bald head. Although people were looking at me as if there was something wrong with me I kept my head high and walked past them. I enjoyed the sense of freedom and it felt very good. I feel that women should never be kept inside or wrapped inside a cloth. It is the right of every woman to roam feely, be the way she wants and wear what she likes. This is my story about how I broke free from boundaries and started live freely.

Story by - Nickole Alejandro


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